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    📜 19th Century: The Birth of Bookmaking

    • 📅 Early 1800s: The Emergence of Gambling Houses

      Year Event
      1801 The first official gambling houses appear in London.
    • 🏇 1850: Introduction of the Turf

      Year Event
      1850 The concept of a ‘turf accountant’ begins, formalizing the bookmaking profession.

    🔍 20th Century: Regulation and Growth

    • ⚖️ 1920: Introduction of Betting Regulations

      Year Event
      1920 The Betting and Gaming Act is introduced in the UK, regulating bookmakers.
    • 🏆 1960: The Rise of Betting Shops

      Year Event
      1960 Betting shops become popular in British urban areas, expanding the reach of bookmakers.

    💻 21st Century: Digital Revolution

    • 🌐 2000: Online Betting Platforms

      Year Event
      2000 The first online betting platforms launch, transforming the industry.
    • 📱 2010: Mobile Betting

      Year Event
      2010 Smartphone technology allows for the rise of mobile betting apps.

    📈 Future of Bookmaking

    • 🔮 2025 and Beyond: The Next Steps

      Year Event
      2025 Predicted growth in AI and data analytics usage for personalized betting experiences.