Rahul said on the conditions of Corona in the country, warned the government but made fun of me.

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Own correspondent; T News World:-


 *Rahul Gandhi said- Modi government responsible for Corona’s havoc in the country.

*Corona outbreak shook the whole world in India.

*Scientists warn the government, but it is ignored.

Former Congress president Rahul Gandhi has blamed the Modi government for the second wave of Corona in the country. In an interview to a news agency, Rahul said, the way Corona has shown its fury in India, it has shaken the whole world. The line is installed everywhere in the country. Somewhere for oxygen, sometimes for medicines and sometimes for beds. Even outside the crematorium, there is a line. Rahul said that whichever warning was issued regarding the epidemic, the government ignored it.

*Seeing the condition of India, the whole world was shaken.

Rahul said, we lack everything to deal with Corona. The best hospitals in the capital are also filling up fast. The country’s doctors are demanding oxygen. Petitions are being filed in courts for oxygen. Our healthcare workers are seeing patients dying before their eyes. They are unable to save the lives of people. Now India has become the epicenter of the corona virus. Seeing the condition of India, the whole world has been shaken.

*Scientists warn the government, but it is ignored.

Rahul said, it should not have happened. Warnings were given several times. Scientists have warned the government several times, but the government ignored it. We should have prepared better and we could have done so. Now, where is the government? He is completely missing from all this. She is engaged in saving the image of the Prime Minister and blaming others. Nowadays a new word is under discussion that the system failed. Who is this system? Who runs the system? This is just a trick to run away from responsibilities.

*Warned the government but made fun of me.

Rahul Gandhi said, the Prime Minister is running a machinery, which is working to establish them as a brand. The fact is that despite understanding the severity of the epidemic and giving repeated warnings, the government failed to deal with it from the beginning. Since the outbreak of the pandemic in 2020, I have been trying to warn the government again and again, but they made fun of me.In February-March last year, the virus entered our country via the airport and then the government imposed a lockdown without any advice. This triggered the migration of migrant laborers.

*Government Promotes Super Spreader Event.

Rahul Gandhi said, the government ignored the scientists’ warning and remained busy in the elections. He promoted the Super Spreader event. For the past several months, the Prime Minister and the Home Minister have not even been seen wearing masks in public places. He said, the biggest thing is that we are the world’s largest vaccine producer. We are making the vaccine for the world, but we are lacking it. Why hasn’t our people been vaccinated before?


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